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Home / ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

We go further together

More than driving business, our commitment is to promote Social, Environmental and Governance practices that are capable of changing future.

The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating.
The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Technology that transforms society

We are committed to responsibly operating in all areas (Environmental, Social and Governance), to ensure our business sustainability in the face of the main trends and global challenges, delivering value to our team, customers, suppliers, investors, and society.

The future we want

  • Technology as an enabler of socio-environmental transformations.
  • Stakeholders capitalism.
  • Cooperation ecosystem for innovation.

Current movements pointing to the future

  • Decarbonization.
  • Solutions with positive social impact.
  • Solutions with positive environmental impact.
  • Nature-based solutions.
  • Digital/AI/IoT/Blockchain transformation.

How are we building the future

  • Transparency.
  • Multistakeholder partnership.
  • Investments in impact businesses.
  • Transformation roadmap for a more inclusive business.
  • Open innovation.
  • Social investment.
  • Science-based environmental goals.

ESG material topics and sustainable development goals

  • Customer Data Security and Privacy
  • Innovation
  • Customer Relationship
  • Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion
  • People Management: Talent attraction, Dev. of Human Cap. and Workplace
  • Democratization of Access to Financial services
  • Transparency and Fight Against Corruption
  • Waste Management and GHG Emissions
quality educationGender equalityDecent work and economic growthIndustry, innovation and infrastructuresymbol of equals and the text reduction of inequalitiesResponsible consumption and productionAction against global climate changePeace, justice and effective institutionsPartnerships and means of implementation


Climate change and GHG emissions

Decarbonization is an urgent and critical mission in the fight against climate change on our planet. It is a problem that affects society as a whole and will continue to impact future generations.

We are determined to lead this change, by ensuring that everyone is onboard with our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reaching NET ZERO by 2030.

carbon negative

200% of the CO² footprint equivalent to emissions in 2020 and 2021 was compensated through investments in REDD+ projects, earning us the Carbon Negative seal for the second consecutive year.

Moss Carbon Negative 2022 Seal
Moss Carbon Negative 2021 Seal
Moss Carbon Negative 2020 Seal

What are we doing?

  • 2021 inventory.
  • Diagnosis of the emission behavior of our operation to set the required action to reach NET ZERO by 2030.


Waste Managment

We are committed to minimizing our impact related to waste production, seeking solutions to “close lifecycles” of materials that are part of our direct and indirect operation. We honor this commitment by choosing suppliers with socio-environmental responsibility, partners in reverse logistics and materials causing less impact on the environment.

Environment First

Environment First Branded Kits: All kits sent to Dockers aim to promote minimal waste production and environmental impact.

  • We assess certifications of source/production methods for each item and the feasibility of their application to the circular economy.
  • We take into account our suppliers' social and environmental responsibility.
  • We look for partners in reverse logistics or raw material redeployment.

What are we doing?

We are currently designing our WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Management Program.



We embrace different perspectives

We believe that diversity is the core of innovation. We've built an environment of equity, inclusion, exchange and learning that sparks new ideas.

For us, good ideas can come from anywhere, anytime. At the same time, we feel free to disagree and debate different points of view on an equal footing.

symbol of gender equalityDecent work and economic growthsymbol of equals and the text reduction of inequalities


To break barriers and discrimination.


To change behaviors.

Promote an inclusive and safe environment

By relying on affirmative actions, so that candidates and Dockers feel safe to express their plural identities.

On July 03, 2023, Law No. 14.611 was sanctioned, which deals with equal pay and remuneration criteria between women and men.

To view: Equal Pay Report Dock Solutions

To view: Equal Pay Report Dock Technology

Child with a plate of food


Do you know the 1P5P project?

The 1 Piece = 5 Plates (or 1P=5P) project is a project of the Reserve, created to help as many people as possible to get out of food insecurity. With this program, each product purchased at the t-shirt store is converted into 5 plates of food for the institutions “Associação Civil Banco de Alimentos” and the “Projeto Mesa Brasil/SESC”. Since the store launch Dock, we contributed by donating more than 20.000 plates of food.


Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance

To achieve the future we desire,creditwe love that corporate governance it is a fundamental tool. We are committed to transparency, conformity in our management processes and adherence to recognized practices to promote business sustainability.

Read our ESG Policy

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