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Taking credit reins to make results soar

A fashion retailer, a pioneer of private label cards, takes over the management of its financial products and in less than a year reaches 2 million customers, accounting for 10% of sales and with an average ticket 25% higher.

2 million cards

issued in 10 months

+ 48% in revenue

in financial services in the 1st quarter 2022

+ BRL 850 million


+ 7 million

of transactions carried out

Features used

  • Card issuing
  • Card processing

With the objective of turning these transactions – until then simply financial – into a more personalized experience for the customer and totalmente integrated to its consumer relationship program, the retailer established as a priority the creation of its own platform for financial products.

The idea was to have a 100% digital solution, with physical or digital cards, for use in its stores, its e-commerce and its marketplace, without charging an annuity and offering discounts and the possibility of paying in installments through the app.

Based on this definition, the company found the Dock, a provider of payment technology and banking, the ideal partner to operate in the complete card issuance and processing cycle and quickly launch the product on the market.

The platform Cards & Credit da Dock offers a complete solution, easy to implement through APIs, which accelerates the creation of a product from scratch, considerably reducing the time to market.

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Taking credit reins to make results soar

A fashion retailer, a pioneer of private label cards, takes over the management of its financial products and in less than a year reaches 2 million customers, accounting for 10% of sales and with an average ticket 25% higher.

And no need to register!

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