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Tech Talents

The Internship Program at Dock is built for those who want to decode the future


your future
>> forward

Have you ever imagined working at a company that is building the future? Our mission at Dock is to decode the financial universe and provide access to the most innovative services in the industry.

Are you familiar with the technology behind the financial solutions of large companies and fintechs? We’ve built all this, transforming the world alongside these brands.


+ 1,2 Thousand Dockers

75 Million
active accounts

8,0 billion
annual transactions


You can take part in that transformation!

Dock is a fast-growing company operating in a transformation-driven industry that believes in people’s growth. By keeping that in mind, the Tech Talents Program is meant for young people—like yourself—to take their first steps in their career. Our job openings range all departments, while technology remains our main focus. Here, you’re able to work and develop your skills including the following areas: Software Development, Data, Information Security, Marketing, People, Legal, and many others! Our goal is to help you acquire as much knowledge as possible from the Tech universe by working with what you actually like and taking part in our development actions to go the extra mile.

People typing on their computers

Why an internship at Dock?

  • Having autonomy to innovate in the tech industry and effectively contribute to our business growth.
  • Developing technical skills through training and access to learning platforms.
  • Developing behavioral skills through workshops, talks and multidisciplinary activities.
  • Having follow-up with leaders, mentors and an exclusive Business Partners’ team—Young Talents.
  • Possibility of being hired at the end of the program—on average, 80% of our young talents are hired!

Eligibility Requirements

  • To be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree, including master’s and doctorate’s
  • To be at least 2 terms away from graduating

Our benefits

Scholarship worth R$ 1.500,00

Scholarship worth R$ 1.500,00

Health plan

Health plan

Healthcare coverage 100% paid by the company

Gympass & Totalpass

Gympass & Totalpass

100% paid by the company

Life insurance

Life insurance

Meal Ticket worth R$1.101,73

Meal Ticket worth R$1.101,73

Home Office Assistance worth R$ 200,00

Home Office Assistance worth R$ 200,00

Access to learning platforms

Access to learning platforms

Beer or Coffee

Beer or Coffee

Access to coworking spaces across Brazil



You can work wherever you want!

Tech Talents

Step-by-step walkthrough to become an intern at Dock

Steps for recruitment

We have openings throughout the year

The process is 100% online. Register here

Based on the information you shared we’ll review your profile

If your profile aligns with our job opening, you’ll take part in 3 interviews and tests

Has everything worked out?
So you’re approved and offered a position!

Get to know your journey at Dock

Woman in a wheelchair typing on a computer

Technology for good—for all

More than driving businesses, we’re committed to promoting governing, environmental, and social practices that change the future.

Our commitment is to responsibly operate in all areas (Environmental, Social and Governing) so that we’re able to ensure our business sustainability in face of the most prominent global trends and challenges.

Diversity and Inclusion

Dock respects plural identities and strives to promote an inclusive culture. Ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, disability or age play no role in any step of our recruitment process, reinforcing our commitment to diversity.

Learn more

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