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Phishing Attacks

Scammers are developing increasingly sophisticated ways to trick people, steal data and receive money over the internet. This type of scam is called Phishing – which refers to using a “bait” to “fish” for confidential information.

Here's how to protect yourself:

  • Never click on suspicious links in email, WhatsApp, social media and other channels;
  • Constantly update your computer, tablet or mobile operating system and install antivirus programs;
  • Be wary of approaches carried out by email, SMS or WhatsApp and that request your personal data;
  • Evaluate well if the opportunities are “too good to be true” and if they somehow have urgency to be taken advantage of, as scammers use this tactic so that you don't have time to notice Phishing;
  • Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks;
  • Watch out for requests via WhatsApp asking for money; if it is known, confirm the veracity by video call or phone call.

Scams through social networks

Many scammers use social media to impersonate official profiles and gain people's trust. Through these platforms, they can more easily apply their blows and reach many people at the same time. The most common scams usually simulate a fake promotion or prize.

  • Control the privacy of your publications and leave your profiles in private mode on social networks;
  • Use different passwords for each type of access and change them frequently;
  • Try to create strong passwords that are difficult to crack; avoid commemorative dates and sequential numbers, and always use special characters;
  • Differentiate your social media passwords from your bank passwords and never give this data to anyone;
  • Be careful when publishing personal information and be careful when revealing data such as phone, email and address, in addition to places you usually go.

Image Cell Phones Image Cell Phones

General security alerts

  • Be careful when opening emails from unknown senders and containing suspicious messages;
  • Change your passwords when there is any indication or suspicion of data leakage that could compromise your credentials;
  • Attention when clicking on links that are made available by suspects or strangers via email, messages or SMS;
  • Never download or run files that are attached to suspicious emails;
  • Do not disclose your personal, corporate or financial data to unknown people, and always check that the website you are accessing is really true and reliable;
  • Be careful who has access to your cell phone and don't leave it vulnerable in the work environment, parties or public places. Often, the blows are facilitated or even applied by people close to them.